Signet 6" PVC Clamp On Saddle
These installation fittings MUST be used for proper installation insertion depth in order for all Signet meters to work properly.
Mounts on SCH 80 PVC Pipe
Select Part Above:
Part No. Size: L, H, D, C*
PV8S020 2.00 in. 4.00 5.0 2.375 1.43
PV8S025 2.50 in. 4.75 5.4 2.875 1.43
PV8S030 3.00 in 5.00 6.0 3.500 1.43
PV8S040 4.00 in 5.00 7.0 4.500 1.43
PV8S060 6.00 in. 5.00 10.00 6.625 2.25
PV8S080 8.00 in. 5.00 11.50 8.625 2.25
*C - Clearance Dimensions