Calculator Saturation Index

You can use the form to the right to calculate your saturation index.

To determine whether your pool water is balanced we will use the Saturation Index. First complete and record water testing of the pH, calcium hardness, alkalinity, temperature, and total dissolved solids. Then using the chart below, take the factors and add them together. Subtract that number from the constant of 12.1. Balanced water will have an index between -0.5 and +0.5. Over +0.5 is scale forming, below -0.5 is corrosive. ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.


Test Results Using Factors

pH Level = 7.5 7.5
Temperature = 85 0.7
Total Alkalinity = 100 2.0
Calcium Hardness = 200 1.9
Constant Factor = -12.1
0 = perfectly balanced water, no correction needed


Test Results Using Factors

pH Level =
Temperature =
Total Alkalinity =
Calcium Hardness =
Constant Factor = -12.1

The purpose of balancing pool water is to prevent corrosion or scaling. These conditions have adverse effects on the pool equipment, the pool surface, and can cause cloudy water.

IMPORTANT: The suggested range (measurement in ppm) for these parameters is vitally important. Even if the Saturation Index is reached and the suggested ranges are not met, you will experience difficulties.

Suggested ranges: pH 7.2 to 7.6

Alkalinity 80 to 120 ppm

Calcium 200 - 300 ppm (200 minimum)


76 0.6 100 1.6 50 1.7
84 0.7 150 1.8 75 1.9
94 0.7 200 1.9 100 2.0
105 0.9 300 2.1 150 2.2
400 2.2 200 2.3
800 2.5 300 2.5
1,000 2.6 400 2.6

Balanced water will have an index between -0.5 and +0.5.

Over +0.5 is scale forming, below -0.5 is corrosive.

Need to adjust chemicals? Click here to calculate how much to add.